Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August=Month of Exam

Now i'm in the month of August. What is so interesting about this month? Obviously for all Malaysian there will be independence day at 31st. For me i'll call it exam month because i've 3 midterm examination paper i need to sit through this month. Starting from 19th of August, I 've to sit for Engineering Management midterm paper and to be followed by Control System and Aerodynamics 2 on 27th August. Just before the midterm break and Ramadhan. But the matter which bother me now i've keep thinking about 2 paper in one days. CS's paper will begin at 8.30-10.00 am and closely followed by Aerodynamics at 10am to 11++am. NO GAP!!! Please God. Help me with this things.Please make them simpler to me then=)


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