Friday, July 25, 2008

Dreamliner..please help me..

English for Academic Purposes. This is the name of the subject i'm taking this semester. I'm writing this post after going back from the university library to find the reference for my research paper which is the Dreamliner(boeing 787). So this is the actual purpose for this subject. Only to write the research paper!! and it is 3 credit hours!!..too much i thought. emm may be i need to spent some time for this purposes to find all the references, built an outline, and attend the lecture and tutorial this semester. hopefully it might not take most time because i've already have 4 core courses this sem and i need to concentrate more on them. So can somebody help me in making this research paper?please....Actually Dreamliner isn't to much recent news. But a i think not many source or reference i could find here..i mean in this university. But it is really among the top news in aviation industry outside there. Just type this keyword 'Dreamliner' on the search engine and you can find a lot of source there. The problem that i've facing now are my tutor still want to see my references in front of her eyes..not only name of the references but she ask me to bring all the BOOKS at least 3!!! eventhough i've already shown her the names of the books and other sources. The question now does she still doubting my research paper topic?again...what should i do? can somebody lend your hand here...


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