Saturday, July 26, 2008

My 'new' home still under renovation

This evening i've followed my family went to my house in Rawang, Selangor. Actually it is not really the new house because it already bought in 1998 if i not wrong. But until now we never have a chanced to live there. But our family might be will transfer here in the nearest time. So then we've decided to renovate the house before we enter it. This is only picture i've taken in front of my new house.


Sarah CJ said...

wah macam cantik je umah ko mimi. hehe. rawang on the way g kampung aku jek kat kalumpang. leh la aku menjemput diri sendiri raya nanti. ahaks

scarecrow said...

haha..da lame gk aku impikan nk tgl kt situ...asik pdh randah je duk umah sewa..nk gk duk umah sndiri..

Sarah CJ said...

so, bile ko mau pindah?

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